View Item Counts

This page allows you to view the amount of items in a category.  To view items within a category, click ‘View’.

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Item Images

Item Images Section

Inventory Control > Edit Item > Item Images

Item Images are the images associated with an item. You are
able to have multiple images, and you can create thumbnails (smaller images) for
customers to see your item description better. Thumbnails also can be used for
better browsing of items. Options for thumbnails are found on the ‘General
Settings’ page.


Image URL 

You are able to associate an image with an item by loading it from your website.
Load an image to a unique page anywhere on your website (ex. and input that image URL into this field. This
will load the image to the shopping cart.

Or Image File Location: 

To load an image that is on your hard drive, click ‘Browse’, find the file, and
click open. When you click ‘Add Image’ below, you will upload the the image.

Resize Image to Pixel Width of:
If you would like to resize your image, you are able to do so here. This
is not a required field. Choose the pixel width, and the shopping cart will
resize the image keeping the same proportion.

Create Thumbnail with Pixel width 

To create a thumbanil:
1.  Select the image you would like to use. 
2.  Enter the pixel width you would like for your thumbnail.  This
pixel width needs to be less than the pixel width of the actual image. 
3.  Click add image.

Thumbnails are smaller versions of the image.
Using the thumbnail allows you to have a smaller version of the image for when
customers search for an item.

The shopping cart has differnt thumbnail
settings.  To edit these settings: Manage > General Settings > Thumbnail

If you are looking to create thumbnails for multiple items that
already have an image or have been imported, there is a way to create multiple
thumbnails all at once. Navigate to Inventory > Inventory Main > ‘Create
Thumbnail Multiple Items’

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Drop Down

Drop Down Lists Selection

Inventory Control > Edit Item > DropDown Lists Selection

Lists Selection

Level Description

The ‘Level Description’ is the title associated that will be associate with
dropdown option descriptions. Create the level description first, then the
option description(s). For example, "Color" would be the level description, and
the dropdown option description would be "Red" or "Green".

Drop Down Lists Selections 
This function allows you to create dropdown lists for this item only. If you
would like to use the same dropdown list for another item, you can use the copy
item function under Inventory > Inventory Main > ‘Copy Item’ (to the right of an
item). The other option is to export this item’s category under: Import/Exports
> Export Item Data. Open the data to a spreadsheet to find the item’s drop down
list syntax. Then use that syntax in the ‘View Drop Down List – Quick Add’.

Dropdown Option Description 
This is the description seen by customers as an option under the drop down bar.
If this item was a t-shirt and you had a color green, you would enter ‘Green’.
If you also had color blue, you first need to finish filling out the option for
color green, and then click ‘Add Option’. You then would be able to add color

This is the type of adjustment you would like to make for a drop down item. If
you have no adjustment for price or shipping, it won’t matter what you select in
this column. 

Select ‘Add’ to have the the drop down option’s price, shipping, and weight
added to the current item price (Actual Price in Cart). 

Select ‘Subtract’ to have the the drop down option’s price, shipping, and weight
subtracted from the current item price (Actual Price in Cart). 

Select ‘Override’ to have the the drop down option’s price, shipping, and weight
override the current item price (Actual Price in Cart). 

Select ‘Multiply’ to have the the drop down option’s price, shipping, and weight
multiplied by the current item price (Actual Price in Cart).
— An example of a website that uses the multiply feature is a mattress company.
When the size of the mattress increases in thickness, they can multiply the
price by 2, 3, 4, etc.

The price adjustment of the dropdown option. Input ‘0’ to disable.

The shipping cost to be adjusted for the dropdown option. Input ‘0’ to disable.

For this to take effect, you would have to use the Shipping option "Base +
Charge specified by items". To edit this setting navigate to: Manage > Shipping.

The weight of the dropdown option to be adjusted. Input ‘0’ to disable. 

The weight will affect the item’s shipping cost if you are using one of these
settings: "Base + Calculate Rate UPS, USPS, FedEx or DHL (based on zip codes &
"Base + Weight"
To edit this setting navigate to: Manage > Shipping.

Auto Select/Quantity 
These two columns allow you to give quantity discounts on one specific
item. bsp;

View the ‘Auto Select Qty pattern’ file below for an example. 

If a customer purchases the required quantity and the quantity discount in
place, they will automatically receive the appropriate discount without having
to select the quantity in the drop down option bar (hence the title ‘Auto

Choose the Level you would like associated with the dropdown description. You
can create this under ‘Create Down Down Lists’ — Level Description.

Drop Down List – Quick Add 
This function allows you to import drop down list options and values. 

One way to create a custom syntax is to navigate to: Import/Exports > Export
Item Data. Export a category with an item you have created by manually adding
your drop down list. Open the data in a spreadsheet to find the item’s drop down
list syntax. Then use that syntax in the field below.

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Multiple Item Delete

Multiple Item Delete 
This page allows you to delete
multiple items at the same time.

Inventory > Inventory Main > Multiple Item Delete


Enter your products by SKU or Item ID, and then click search.  Select the
items you would like to delete and then click ‘Delete’.  

This page is useful for deleting
multiple items, but not the place to delete an entire category worth of items.

If you need to delete an entire category worth of items, it is easier to
delete the items under Manage > Categories > Remove Category  

Select the
Category’s items you would like to delete and then select
Remove Category and
Remove Items Only

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Add “Fill-In” Price Item

Add "Fill-In" Price Item

The Fill-in price item allows shopper to
specify the amount they will be paying. 

This is useful for donations, auction payments, or anywhere you need to
provide a secure method for accepting variable payment amounts.

Inventory > Inventory Main > Add "Fill-In"
Price Item


Create the item name.


Enter the description of your product this field. The plain text / HTML option
will allow you to enter plain text or HTML code. The WYSIWYG editor give you the
option to edit the text in HTML format.

Display Product in Cart

If set to ‘No’, this item is 
– Not searchable
– Not in the item’s
– Available if people have the link
– Available if the link shows up in
search engine
– Available if the item html shows up elsewhere on the site

If option is set to ‘Yes, this item is available throughout the shopping cart

Product Dimensions 

Enter the product dimensions you would use for shipping the product. Typically
you would use the box dimensions for shipping that particular product

Category Selection 

Select the category(ies) you would
like to associate with your item.  Categories are helpful for the customer to
locate your items. 

Google Product
Search Values

For help on Google product search:

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Create Custom Text for your items

Create Custom Text Field

Inventory Control > Edit
Item > Create Custom Text


This field labels the blank text field
attached to this item. This is useful for custom items where the customer can
choose The customer will see this field on the item page before they add the
item to cart. Some examples would be if you are selling t-shirts: ‘Text to put
on Shirt’, etc.

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Create Thumbnails for Item Images

Create Thumbnail For All Items

Thumbnails are are reduced-size versions of your item
This link allows you to create thumbnails for multiple items that
already have a main image or have been imported. 

The reason you would
use this is to have smaller images for customers to see when they are browsing
through products, and a larger image which they could view on the item page.

Thumbnail Options

Choose the categories of products by checking the
box next to the category you would like to create thumbnails for.  Next,
click the  ‘Create Thumbnails’  button.

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Gift Certificate

Add Gift Certificate 
The Gift Certificate page allows you
to create gift certificates for sale in your shopping cart. When a customer buys
a gift certificate, the shopping cart will give them the gift certificate code
on a certificate (for printing out) both on the confirmation page and in the
email they receive. When the customer who purchased the gift certificate gives
this gift certificate code to the final recipient, then that recipient is able
to use that code on your checkout page to receive a credit for the gift
certificate amount.

Inventory > Inventory Main > Add Gift Certificate

Gift Certificate Options


Create the Gift Certificate title.

Enter the description of your product
this field. The plain text / HTML option will allow you to enter plain text or
HTML code. The WYSIWYG editor give you the option to edit the text in HTML

The price for
your downloadable item.

Display Product in Cart

If set to ‘No’, this item is 
– Not
– Not in the item’s category
– Available if people have the
– Available if the link shows up in search engine
– Available if the
item html shows up elsewhere on the site

If option is set to ‘Yes, this
item is available throughout the shopping cart software.

Category Selection
Select the category(ies) you would like to associate with your item.  Categories
are helpful for the customer to locate your items. 

Google Product Search Values

For help on Google product search:

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Set up Item, Linking to this Item

General Item Options

Inventory Control > Edit
Item > General Item Options

This feature will help you integrate your site. If you are
not using the shop to show you items, and you would like to use your web pages
to show items, this information will be particularly helpful. With the shopping
cart’s import template feature, typically shop owners use the shop to display
their items, which is what we recommend . However, you may find additional
customization in using the shopping cart information on your actual pages. 

Option Explanation:

‘Linking to this item’ will show the item URL
can use this link on your web page to point a customer to the shopping cart item
page. You can also use this link to view your item page.

‘Linking to this category’
will show the category URL for this particular
You can use this link on your web page to point a customer to the
shopping cart category page.

‘HTML to display this
will provide HTML code that you can insert into your web page HTML code
to display this item

‘Item Include Code’
provides you with .shtml code for this item as a complete item listing. When
integrated in your site, it automatically updates your web pages with the
shopping cart. For more complete information on Category Include Code, visit the
help information for Integration > Category Items listing HTML.

‘View This Item’ lets you preview your item how it
appears currently in the shop part of your site.

‘Category Include Code’
provides you with .shtml code for the entire category with the complete
item listing of each item . When integrated in your site, it automatically
updates your web pages with the shopping cart. For more complete information on
Category Include Code, visit the help information for Integration > Category
Items listing HTML.

‘Category Thumbnail Display
Include Code’
provides you with .shtml code for the entire category with
the thumbnail option. When integrated in your site, it automatically updates
your web pages with the shopping cart. For more complete information on Category
Include Code, visit the help information for Integration > Category Thumbnail

No., Name

You have the ability to change the Item’s SKU/Part Number
and the Item’s Name.


Enter the description of your product this field. The
plain text / HTML option will allow you to enter plain text or HTML code. The
WYSIWYG editor give you the option to edit the text in HTML format.

Actual Price in Cart

This is the price the customer will see as the
item price.

Normal Retail Price
This is the price the customer sees next to the actual price if the ‘Display
Regular Pricing & Sale Price’ is set to ‘Both’ under General Settings > Misc.

Display Product in Cart
If set to ‘No’, this
item is 
– Not searchable
– Not in the item’s category
– Available if people have
the link
– Available if the link shows up in search engine
– Available if
the item html shows up elsewhere on the site

If option is set to ‘Yes,
this item is available throughout the shopping cart software.

Display Item Price and Add to Cart button

Click ‘Always’ if you
would like customers to be able to add items to cart without having to be logged
Click ‘Only when shopper is logged in’ if you would like to hide the item
price and add to cart button when customers are not logged in.

Google Product Search Values
For help on Google product

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Edit Item Page

Edit Item Page
This page allows you to edit an individual item options including:

 1.  General Item Options  5.  Create Custom Text Field
 2.  Shipping (Item)  6.  Item Images
 3.  Category Selection  7.  DropDown List selection
 4.  Suggested Items Section  8.  Updating Item Data

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