Shop Details

Shop Details Section
These are the company details seen in
your shop.

Manage > General Settings

(click here for larger image)

Contact Information

This section of your settings configures the contact information for your shop. 
You can choose to have this displayed at the bottom of the shop, and you can
also select a logo if so desired.

The "Shop Name" value is used in the subject line of the order confirmation
emails that are sent to your customers. It is also displayed on the Offline
Order form (the order form that shoppers would use if they want to mail or fax
in an order) if you have the offline order form enabled. It also shows up on the
shop/owner login page.

The address, phone, & fax values are displayed at the bottom of your shop pages.
However, if you have anything in the Custom Footer field, then only the Custom
Footer field HTML will be displayed; the text in address, phone & faxe
fields are ignored in that case. These values are also displayed on the offline
order form.

(click here for larger image)


The Administration Email address does not appear in your shop. This email is the
address where order confirmations are sent when someone purchases something from
your shop. It will also receive notifications concerning stock quantities if you
choose to have the shop monitor such things.

(click here for larger image)


The Currency Selection is simply the sign the shop will put before a price. Most
people will leave this as $.

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Category Display Options

Category Display Options

This section of the general settings allows you
to modify your categories’ look.

Shop Control Panel

(click here for larger image)


Category Links

The shopping cart software allows you to choose whether to display categories in
the shop and/or the cart page of the shop.

You also have the ability to choose just to show the Main Categories or the
Subcategories as well.


(click here for larger image)

Category Display Names

Separated by bars

Select to display categories separated by ‘|’

In Columns
of columns

Select and specify total number of columns in each row to
display categories in columns 

In Single Column

Select and specify column width to display categories in a single column


In Single Column + Show as Dropdown list

Select to display categories in as a dropdown list and also as a single


As Dropdown List Only

Select to display categories in as a dropdown list

(click here for larger image)

Other Category Display Options

Display subcategory links as thumbnails

This option allows you to see you subcategory links
on the main category page.  This is a nice option to have links displayed
not only on the left hand side, but also on the main part of the page where it
is more visible.  These links will appear after any custom html (optional)
entered for the category.  You also have the option to enhance these links
by create images for these subcategory links.  Navigate to:

Inventory > Manage Categories > Add Category (or Edit Category HTML) > Category

Display Breadcrumbs Category List

This shows the customer the category tree of a
particular item allowing for easy navigation. If you click on an item, above the
item title you would see "Parent Category>Subcategory".

Display Parent Category Link when in item view

Displays a link to the Parent Category on the actual item

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Format Tab

  Format Tab
The Format Tab alllows you to select the format you would like to send your newsletter in. The ‘Text’ tab will send the newsletter in plain text format only, while ‘HTML’ format allows for additional formatting. ‘Text and HTML’ sends it as an HTML to customers whose email accept HTML formatting, and as in text format to customers whose email do not accept HTML formatting.dd

Transfer Protocol Transfer Protocol
It is the way that the server sends the newsletter to your customers. The ‘Send Mail’ feature is the standard way to send the newsletter and no user name/password is required. Sending the newsletter using SMTP authentication is a better way of sending as it has a better delivery rate. This means that fewer recipients will see this message as spam, and will allow you to see any email bounces at the email you provide. To use the SMTP Authentication method you would need to have access to your website’s email account. Use an email account associated with your website, and enter the user name and password for that email in the boxes provided. This is the same information as using the Web Mail. You’ll also want to use this email under the "Contents" section.

SMTP Authentication

The username would be your user name for the email account that you are sending the email from. This is the same information used to log into your webmail.

The password would be the password for the email account that you are sending the email from. This is the same information used to log into your webmail.

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Shopping Cart Newsletter Attachment options

Customer Newsletter

Promotion > Customer Newsletter > Attach

The Attach Tab allows you to send an attachment with your newsletter.

Choose the file from your computer that you would like to attach by clicking
"Choose File".  Once selected, click "Attach"

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Update Button

Update Item Data

Also update URL List 
Check this box, then click ‘Update
Item Data’. It will update the changes made on this item page to the URL
list of items (found at Import/Exports > Export Item URL list). The URL is
the list of item URLs (links). 

Most of the time you would check this
box is if you changed the name for this particular item, and you want the
item URL list to reflect the new name. URLs automatically change the link to
reflect the new name, so the URL list needs to be updated if you change the
name. For example, if you change the name of your item title from Fishing
Pole to Bob’s Fantastic Fishing Pole, the url would change from’s-Fantastic-Fishing-Pole-10 

The URL list is used by the Sitemap page, which is designed to help with
search engine crawling bots.

Google Product Search 
Check this box, then click ‘Update
Item Data’. It will update the changes made on this item page to the Google
Product Search page (found at Promotion > Export Google Product Search) 

This checkbox is designed for when you update one item at a time. If you
currently have a Google Product Feed and are updating this item only, this
is a good box to check. If you are creating a Google Product Feed or
updating a lot of items, please navigate to the Promotion > ‘Export Google
Product Search’ page. At that page you will be able to load/update all items
at once for the Google Shopping feed.

Sitemap page 
Check this box, then click ‘Update Item Data’.
It will update the changes made on this item page to the Sitemap.xml file. 

This option is for the Sitemap.xml file only. You are also able to load an
HTML Sitemap (found at Promotion > Sitemap), which is also helpful for
search engines. This HTML Sitemap is not affected by this checkbox. 

The purpose of the sitemap.xml file is to help search engine crawling bots
find all your shopping cart item pages. Contact us, your shopping cart
hosting provider, to get a sitemap.xml file set up.

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Shopping Cart Newsletter Lists

Customer Newsletter 

Promotion > Customer Newsletter > Lists

Lists tab allows you to select who will receive the newsletter. You may send the
newsletter to email addresses you choose (only customers), to the shop
administrator, or to the complete list of customers who had signed up for your
newsletter. This list is viewable under the ‘View Subscribers’ tab.

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Sales Graph Page

Sales Graph page

Orders > View

Graph Page

The Sales Graph allows you to
see your sales on a monthly or yearly basis.

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Administrative Email & Currency Selection & Default Country Selection

The Administration Email address does not appear in your shop. This email is the address where order confirmations are sent when someone purchases something from your shop. It will also receive notifications concerning stock quantities if you choose to have the shop monitor such things (explained further down the page).

The Currency Selection is simply the sign the shop will put before a price. Most people will leave this as $.

The Default Country Selection dictates which country is preselected on the checkout drop down for your customers. If your shop is based in the United States but the majority of your sales are to the United Kingdom, you may choose to select ‘United Kingdom’.

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Thumbnail Options

Thumbnail Options
This section of the general settings
allows you to modify how the items are displayed throughout your shop. 

Manage > General Settings




(click here for larger image)


No Thumbnails


Thumbnail Options

There are several different ways to display items in your shopping cart.
Typically you would have different categories set up, and when a customer clicks
on a category, they would see the items in that category. There are different
layouts and display options for how customers see those items. 

The first option is to select ‘No’ for ‘Display Inventory as Image
Thumbnails Only’. With this option the customer sees the items on the category
page, with these items showing the entire item description.  With this
option, you do not link individual item pages. 

The second option to select ‘Yes’ for ‘Display Inventory as Image Thumbnails
Only’. With this option, the customer sees the items on the category page, with
the items showing as Thumbnails (reduced size pictures) and the basic
information you choose. The thumbnails will then link to the individual item
pages, which will have more detailed information. 

Displaying the image thumbnails is a good way to make items easier to look
through. It allows customers to find item they want, and then to click on the
item to view it in more detail. You see a similar type of format on EBay and
Amazon searching through items, and then clicking on the desired item to see it
in more detail. 

To create thumbnails for your images:
1. Manually to the shop (Inventory
> Inventory Main > Edit Item > Item Images) 

2. If you have a large amount of images already in the shop you can create
Multiple Thumbnails for images all at once: Inventory > Inventory Main > Create
Thumbnail Multiple Items


(click here for larger image)


With Display

Without Display


Display Options

No. (Number) of Columns:

Adjust the number of columns the thumbnails are
displayed in. This options only works if you have selected ‘Yes’ for ‘Display
Inventory as Image Thumbnails Only’. For most screen resolutions, a number
between 2 and 4 columns usually works best. 

Format: Number 
example: 3

Display Below Thumbnail
You can choose whether to display the Item Price, Item Title, and/or Add to Cart
buttons.  If ‘Display… Below Thumbnail’ is set to ‘Yes’ then the option
will be displayed below the thumbnail.


(click here for larger image)



Item Page
(Option set to ‘Yes’)

Item Page
(Option set to ‘No’)

Image Options

Show Full Sized Image

If this option is set to ‘Yes’ then
larger image is shown automatically with item details. The thumbnail will
remain on category page. 

If this option is set to ‘No’, then the thumbnail is shown both on the
category and item page. On the category page, the customer will see the
thumbnail picture and a link ‘Click for Details’. On the item page, the
customer will see the thumbnail picture and a link ‘Click for large image’. 

If you select ‘Yes’ for ‘Display Inventory as Image Thumbnails Only’ and
there is no thumbnail created for your item image, the original larger sized
image will show both on the category page and on the individual item page.
Instead of seeing ‘Click for Details’ and the thumbnail image, only the
original larger image will display. To prevent this from happening, you can
create thumbnails for files in the shop in two different ways: 

1. If you add the image manually to the shop (Inventory > Inventory Main >
Edit Item > Item Images), you also can create a thumbnail as part of the
process of adding in the image. 

2. If you have a large amount of images already in the shop you can create
Multiple Thumbnails for images all at once: Inventory > Inventory Main >
Create Thumbnail Multiple Items

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About Affiliate Programs

A good Affiliate Program can be an important piece in your marketing plan.

An Affiliate Program is one way of generating leads to your web site from other web sites your potential customers visit.

This is similar to banner advertisement you probably see all over the internet. Generally though, banner advertisement is done through an advertising agency and you pay a price up front based on the sites traffic and your expected response. With an Affiliate Program, you actually locate web sites that attract the same clientele you are interested in reaching. You will probably want to find complementary sites rather than direct competition. Complementary sites will likely informational sites that contain information your customers are interested in, or other e-commerce sites that sell products or services that are similar to yours. For instance, if you are selling computers, good affiliate sites maybe software web sites, computer discussion boards and office equipment sites. Once you have decided on what types of web sites your potential customers frequent, you must identify specific sites within those categories you wish to be associated with. A good affiliate program will have over 25 sites advertising your site. You will probably want to limit the number of affiliates you have to a number you can monitor though. Remember, an affiliate reflects on your company; if you indiscriminately choose a number of web sites to become affiliates your reputation could suffer; there are many sites on the internet that become affiliates for any site they can. You probably do not want to be affiliated with these sites. Try to target sites you would like your company to be associated with and that you have done business with, or would like to do business with in the future.

Once you have contacted the sites you would like to have in your affiliate program, you will need to create special links for their sites so you can track customers that are coming from each affiliate. The Precision Web shopping cart can do this for you, go to our affiliate program page to find out how. Once you have created unique affiliate links, create a nice image your affiliates can put on their sites rather than a simple text link. For instance, a general affiliate link from Precision Web is, ABC Toy Shop could put that link directly on their page, but it would look better if we gave them the following image:

Then, the customer can hyperlink the button to your site using the url.

Go to our Affilate Program home page to learn how to manage and track your affiliates using the Precision Web Shopping Cart.

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