All the Shopping Cart Features You Need
All Features are included with any eCommerce Plan
- Search Reports
- Built in Item Search
- Search feature searches shop items by looking for the keyword within the item name and secondarily by searching the description fields of the items.
Even More Features ….
• Plans up to 50,000 items.
• Standard Plan allows up to 1,000 items
• Custom look and feel
• Secure Certificate for checkout pages
• Affiliate Program
• Custom Programming Available
Popular Features
1. Search Engine Friendly
• Search engine friendly category and item links. The links to the categories and items include the category or item name in the link itself. This increases the relevance that search engines assign to the keywords in the link.
• The title tag corresponds to the category or item.
• For items the description tag also uses the item description.
• For maximum relevance, the images used for the item are also named using the keywords from the item name, and use the item name as the alt tag.
• Within the shopping cart control panel we also make it easy to 1. Create a sitemap page of categories and items. 2. Create an item url list on your site for easy inclusion into your sitemap.xml file. 3. Create a Google Product Search item list on your site for easy updates to your “Google Product Search” feed.
2. Shopping Cart Ordering / Payment Features
(Stripe, Square, PayPal, Clover,, CheckCare Payment and more! )
• Shopping cart payment – For real time credit card processing the shopping cart can be set up to use the Paypal and Paypal Pro, BluePay, Merchant Account, Paypal, Virtual Merchant, NMI Gateway Services, and more.
• Sales tax settings by country, state/province, county and city.
• Online orders using a credit card, or “On Account” Or Off-line orders via printed order forms.
• Supports credit card and online check orders. Online checks can also be processed.
• Order information can be viewed securely using SSL encryption from the shop/owner module.
3. Shopping Cart Setup
• Easy online setup. If you can fill out a web form, you can easily set up your shop. Simply go to your shop/owner Control Panel and enter in the information into each of the sections. The items are created from the Inventory Setup section.
• Control the look of your shop using the many built in appearance options, or easily insert custom HTML to make the shop look like the rest of the pages on your site. Or, the shopping cart will show you the item HTML making it easy to copy and paste it directly onto your existing pages.
4. Downloadable Items
• Shop owners can sell downloadable items to their customers using our powerful shopping cart software. The customer will receive a code to download the item but will not see the downloadable file’s location.
• Watch a video about how customers place orders for downloadable items.